Friday, April 01, 2005

Oncee@Blogger becomes my full-time job

I’ve decided to take a big step and begin blogging full-time beginning Monday. This is a scary step. People have always asked me why I didn’t blog for a living. Others are doing it, so I decided it was time for me to leave the 7 pm to 7 am rat-race and start doing what I really like to do: blog.

I will be using the advertising on my Oncee@Blogger to pay my way. I will also be asking for small donations. If you enjoy reading this blog please consider giving whatever you can afford.

The Oncee@Blogger items in the CafePress Store continue to sell quite well. This was the best idea I’ve ever had. Along with the current selection of products available I will be adding a series of how-to books that I have started to write, but haven’t had time to finish. Along with blogging I hope to finish them soon and add them to the online store.

I will be putting a PayPal and an Amazon Tip Jar on the site in a day or so. I have to wrap everything up with my current employers, but I appears I’m on track to be out of here this weekend.

Wish me luck,


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