A Better West Virginia blogger meet-up
Great meet-up today with several West Virginia bloggers to discuss a project for Jason Keeling's A Better West Virginia blog, and to discuss blogs, Twitter, and other new media in general.

Rebecca Burch, Jason Keeling, and Rick Lee

Rick Lee and Skip Lineberg

Bob Coffield and Jeff James

Mona Seghatoleslami and Todd Beane
Update: Rick Lee has posted his photos of the meet-up. He also got a link from instapundit yesterday as well, which might explain the increase in traffic I've see in the past 24 hours.

Rebecca Burch, Jason Keeling, and Rick Lee

Rick Lee and Skip Lineberg

Bob Coffield and Jeff James

Mona Seghatoleslami and Todd Beane
Update: Rick Lee has posted his photos of the meet-up. He also got a link from instapundit yesterday as well, which might explain the increase in traffic I've see in the past 24 hours.
These meet-ups fascinate me. It would be interesting to see it live - my fear is that I wouldn't be able to roll with the big dawgs of WV blogging. Nobody, in between solving the state's problems, would want to hear "hey, i did a fart the other day, and it sounded like a gym bag opening!" Cue embarrased silence...
nice coverage! A gaggle of Charleston bloggers! aaaa!
it'd be nice to have a larger area one too- that's quite a hike.
AH! I would have shown up if I had known about this. I need to pay more attention to twitter! It would have been interesting to just sit and listen. Oh well, maybe next time. :(
You gotta take us Luddite bloggers into account. :-)
So I just Googled Twitter to see what the heck it is. Another social networking site? Sheesh! I have enough trouble keeping up with MySpace.
Next time send a fella an email. Some of us stubbornly refuse to use IM tech. Heck, I work for the Gazette, we submit our blog posts on stone tablets. :-)
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