We Are Marshall: The Morning After

There is much We Are Marshall premiere news this morning.
Rick Lee has pictures. Chris James scores the local media coverage. The Film Geek and Jim McKay, AKA Wabi-Sabi, were there. TheGAZZ was there too.
And, of course, the Charleston Gazette and The Huntington Herald-Dispatch were there. The Marshall University student newspaper The Parthenon was there also.
No one seems to have noticed that Ian McShane, of Deadwood fame, was a no-show.
I got finally got to talk to someone who has seen the movie, and they said it was "wonderful". I can't wait to get to see it for myself.
The movie opens nationwide on Dec. 22.
Update: The Film Geek has posted a review.
Tom Hindman has posted pictures on his blog.
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West Virginia, Huntington, WV, We Are...Marshall, Marshall University, Marshall Football, Charleston, WV
I was holding off on commenting about the movie. "Wodnerful" is pretty close, though...pretty close.
I forgot to add, thank you for the link. My Momma would be very upset with me...
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