Friday, October 14, 2005

Bloggers not making money from ads

Kevin O'Keefe over at Real Lawyers Have Blogs points to a study from Qumana that says 69% of bloggers are making less than $20 a month from their blogs.

I haven't looked for a couple of days, but I think I've made around four dollars in the last 30 days via my Google Ads on this blog and on Law Firm IT. While bloggers like Darren Rowse say there are making tons of money and want to show you how you can buy a house with all that ad income, that kind of crazy income just isn't there for most of us.

I use Google Ads as a hit counter more than anything else. I'm thinking about taking all the ads off of all my blogs. In the first few months of using Google Ads I received around $70.00. Over the last three or four months the number of people clicking on ads has fallen.

Ads on my blogs were an experiment. Who doesn’t want to make some extra money?

I guess at lease Google Ads will stay around for now. At least victims of recent disasters can benefit from them.


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